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2nd Charan Chauki is at Saat Ghara, Mathura

This is Shri Gusainji home where once ShreeNathji celebrated holi.

At a time when Shri Gusainji was not in Mathura, ShreeNathji reached Shri Gusainji’s home to meet all of his seven sons and their family members. ShreeNathji played holi with all of them. But as soon as Shreeji became aware that Shri Gusainji was returning to Govardhan He gave hukum to take Him back immediately to His mandir at Shri Govardhan. And when Shreeji wants anything to be done everything works out perfectly. He enjoyed with Shri Gusainji’s family and then returned to His mandir at Giriraj ji Govardhan.

All of his seven sons lived here and hence the name Saat Ghara. This home was built by Rani Durgavati for Shri Gusainji’s family.

ShreeNathji enjoyed His stay here for two months and 23 days, and was very happy. A Charan Chauki has been built here and seva done regularly.

At present the person to contact is Mukhiyaji Nitin Chaturvedi,

Mobile number: 7906866679

दूसरी चरण चौकी मथुरा में स्थित सात घर में है

यह श्री गुसाइंजी का घर है, जहाँ श्रीनाथजी ने होली उत्सव मनाया था।

एक समय जब श्री गुसाँई जी मथुरा से बाहर गए हुए थे, श्रीनाथजी यहाँ पधारे श्री गुसाँईजी के परिवार जन से भेंट करने। उन सभी के संग होली उत्सव मनाया।

श्री गुसाँईजी के सात बेटे थे जो यहाँ संग रहते थे, इसलिए इस जगह का नाम सात घर पड़ा। ये हवेली रानी दुर्गावती ने श्री गुसाँईजी को भेंट करी थी।

श्रीनाथजी यहाँ २ महीने,२३ दिन बिराजने का आनंद ले कर गिरिराज जी मंदिर में लौट गए।

यह जगह श्रीनाथजी की चरण चौकी के रूप में पूजी जाती है।

Below are present day photos of the darshans at Saat Ghara

Shri Gusainji 7 Balak and their Nidhi Swarups given to them for seva by Shri Gusainji at the mandir here

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