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The four Baithakji of ShreeNathji

There are four Baithakji of ShreeNathji spread around Govardhan parvat. These are pavitr places where ShreeNathji enjoyed short stays and spread anand to His bhakts with some divine leela.

ShreeNathji being the little natkhat (mischievious) shakti, always played endless leelas in and around Vraj.

I have kept the various descriptions short as Shreeji’s leelas are endless and divine in nature. It is difficult to choose any one and leave to the rest. These divy historical plays and vartas around ShreeNathji are unending, so a little difficult to add in this one page.

I have given the present day photos and address for any bhakt who would wish to do darshans.

Jai ShreeNathji Prabhu

श्रीनाथजी की ४ बैठक जी

श्रीनाथजी की व्रज में ४ बैठकजी हैं। ये वह पवित्र स्थल हैं जहाँ प्रभु ने कुछ समय बिताया और अपने भक्तों में कुछ दिव्य खेल और लीला का आनंद फैलाया।

1. ShreeNathji First Baithakji is at Shyam Dhak

This baithakji is located at Shyam Dhak, near Shri Gusainji baithakji, at Kadamb Khandi.

Here ShreeNathji came for Gaucharan and played with His gwal bal sakhas.

As the varta goes, once He felt very hungry, so asked Ramdas Vaishnav to fetch some food. And enjoyed the Chaak leela with His Gwal Baals.

Shreeji is called 'Rangeele ShreeNathji' at this particular Baithakji. This sthal is situated about 2 km away from Puchri ka lota mandir on Shri Govardhan.

श्रीनाथजी प्रभु की पहली बैठक श्याम ढाक में है

यह पवित्र स्थल श्री गोवर्धन स्तिथ 'पूँछरी का लौटा' मंदिर से करीब २ km की दूरी पर है। श्याम ढाक, जहाँ पर श्री गुसाइंजी की बैठकजी भी है, श्रीनाथजी की बैठकजी है।

यहाँ पर श्रीनाथजी उनके ग्वाल बाल सखा के संग गाय चराने जाते और अन्य खेल करते थे। एक बार जब श्रीजी बाबा को भूख लगी उन ने रामदास वैष्णव को भोजन लाने की आज्ञा करी और ग्वाल बाल सखा के संग चाक लीला खेली।

यहाँ पर श्रीनाथजी को 'रंगीले श्रीनाथजी' नाम से पुकारते हैं।

Shri Gusainji Baithakji at Shyam Dhak

2. ShreeNathji Second Baithak at Gulal kund, Gantholi

Two miles away from Jatipura in the west towards Ghatholi village is Gulal Kund. ShreeNathji played Holi with Vraj Bhakts at this Kund. Hence till today the water in this kund has a tint of red colour.

श्रीनाथजी की दूसरी बैठक गुलाल कुंड, गाँठोलि गाँव में है

3. ShreeNathji Third Baithakji is at Toad ka Ghana (dense forest), near Shri Govardhan

ShreeNathji came here from Girirajji sitting on a buffalo.

There is a famous varta which describes that this Buffalo was a malin (gardner)at Shri Vrishbhanu’s mahal. Her name in the anant leela is Vrinda. ShreeNathji granted her mukti by riding on her to the forest.

Another known varta is about a bhakt by the name of Chatur Naga who lived in this forest and never set his foot on Girirajji.

Though he wanted to have ShreeNathji darshans and was a sattvik bhakt he did not climb up to Shreeji’s mandir on Girirajji. ShreeNathji Appeared at Toad ka ghana to grant darshans to His bhakt Chatura Naga.

(These two historical vartas can be read in a seperate section on the website)

श्रीनाथजी की तीसरी बैठक जी घने जंगल ‘टोड के घना’ में स्थित है।

4. ShreeNathji Fourth Baithakji is at KotVan, Mathura

This Baithakji is also known as the ‘Jal Ghada ke Baithakji’.

This is the last Baithakji before ShreeNathji left for Nathdwara; and is located in KotVan, near Sheetal Kund.

Shree Krishn defeated Shunkhchood rakshas (demon)at this place and also did a Raas leela for 7 days.

Person to contact now is Bhimraj Mukhiyaji, Preeti Mukhiyaniji: 9410883061, 8923006653

श्रीनाथजी की चौथी बैठक कोट वन, मथुरा में स्थित है

यह बैठक जी ‘जल घड़ा की बैठक’ के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है।

ShreeNathji Vigrah whose seva is done regularly

Girirajji Shila pujan at ShreeNathji Baithakji

Shri Mahaprabhuji Baithakji at ShreeNathji Baithakji

Jai Ho Shreeji Baba

श्रीनाथजी प्रभु की जय हो!

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