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Teerth on Shri Giriraj Govardhan

(This is a short description which has been translated from the Hindi version of the Holy Garg Samhita written by Shri Garg Muni)

Entire Giriraj Govardhan is the supreme of all teerth’s. Vrindavan is sakshat Golok and Giriraj has been respected by making it the crown.

This parvat is the protector of all gops, gopis, gaumata and is very dear to Bhagvan Shree Krishn.

Enchanting, Mysterious, Divine Giriraj Govardhan

That which became a ‘chatr’ for the Supreme Brahm; what could be a higher teerth; that parvat on which Bhagwan Shree Krishn always plays with His gwal friends,whose pujan was started by Bhagvan Himself; the sacredness and grandeur of that place is impossible to be narrated by even the four faced Brahm.

The place where most pavitra Mansi Ganga is situated, immense Govind Kund, shubh Chandra Sarovar are located, Radha Kund - Shyam Kund, Lalita Kund, Kusum Sarovar, Gopal Kund, decorate the land, it is impossible to narrate the complete glory of such a place.

The shila where Shree Krishn’s Mukut touched became engraved with the imprint; just by doing darshans of this shila a person becomes Dev shiromani.

The shila on which Shree Krishn’s picture is drawn, this sacred shila is called the ‘chitra shila’ which can yet be seen on the Girirajji shikhar.

When engrossed in play with His gwals, Krishn played music on a certain shila, became famous as the ‘Vadini shila’ or ‘Bajini shila’.

The place where Shree Krishn did ‘Kanduk krida’ with His gwals is known as ‘Kanduk Sshetra’. A person can reach Indr Lok and Brahm Lok by doing darshans and saluting (doing pranam) to the ‘Shukrpad’ and ‘Brahmpad’ teerth located here. That who rolls in the dust here will reach Vishnupad.

The place where Madhav stole the pagdi (turbans) of the gops is known as ‘Aushneesh’.

At one time, a group of gopis came along this way selling curds. Madan Mohan Shree Krishn hearing their payal sound appeared there and blocked their way. Shree Krishn along with His gwal friends surrounded them and blocked their way with His foot, “You have to pay taxes if you want to cross from this road; so give us our daan.”

The Gopis replied, “You seem to be very crooked, as you stand in the way with all your gwal friends. get out of our way or we will put you in Raja Kans’s jail along with your parents”. so this varta goes..Soon Madhav and His friends were eating curds in ‘donas’ made from Palash and Kadamb tree leaves. Since then the leaves of these trees began to grow in the shape of ‘donas’.

The place where Madhav along with His friends ate yoghurt from cups made from the kadamb and palash leaves is called ‘Droan’.

Where Madhav played ‘luka-chupi’ with the gwals is called ‘Laukik’.

Kadamb Khand is the place where Shree Krishn is always engrossed in His leelas.

Naradji continues,

“The sacred place on the Govardhan where Shree Radha did Her Shringar before the raas leela is called the ‘Shringar Mandal’.

The Form that Shree Krishn took when He lifted the Govardhan parvat, that Form is vidhman (present) at Shringar Mandal teerth".

“When 4800 years of Kaliyug pass by, from the centre of the Shringar Mandal Kshetra Giriraj cave, visible to all onlookers; Shree Hari Himself will Appear in His Siddh Form. Nareshwar, the Form that crushes all the ego and pride of all Devtaas, that swarup will be known as ShreeNathji.

ShreeNathji is forever playing His leela on the Govardhan parvat. In Kaliyug whoever gets darshan will be purified”.

ShreeNathji is forever playing on Govardhan

Bhagwan is Present on all four corners of Bharat. They are known famous as, Shree JaganNath, Shree RangNath, Shree DwarkaNath, Shree BadriNath. In centre of Bharat Shree Bhagwan is known as Shree Govardhan Nath.

In the most sacred Bharatvarsh, these five Nath are the Swami of all Devtaas also. That who does darshan of the Dev Daman, Shree Govardhan Nath on Govardhan Parvat, he receives the blessings of all the other four Nath’s on this Earth.

There are the footprints of the Airavat elephant and the Surbhi cow.

Mahatma Shree Krishn’s hand and foot print are to be found here. All teerths, mandirs, kunds on the Giriraj are adbhut, amazing and sacred.

Different teerths on Shri Govardhan as it’s various body parts

Though all the limbs of Govardhan parvat are as important and sacred; Naradji says he will describe some which are considered to be the main in bhao and splendour.

Below the Shringar mandal is Shri Govardhan’s mouth, where Bhagwan KrishnChandr celebrated the Annakut utsav with the Vrajvasis.

Mansi Ganga is the two eyes of Govardhan Giriraj.

Chandra Sarovar it’s nose, Govind Kund it’s lips, Shri Krishn Kund it’s chin.

Radha Kund is the tongue, Lalita Sarovar the cheeks, Gopal Kund is the ears.

Kusum Sarovar the inner ear.

The shila with the mukut imprint is Giriraj’s forehead.

The Chitra Shila is the head, Vadini Shila is the throat, Kanduk teerth is the two sides.

Ushneesh teerth is in the waist.

Dron tirth is in the back.

Laukik tirth is in the stomach.

Kadamb Khand is in the heart area.

Shringar Mandal tirth is the jeevatma-soul-life. Shringar Mandal is the sthal where Shree Radha did Her shringar during the Raas leela on the Giriraj.

Shree KrishnChander’s Charan print is Mahatma Govardhan’s heart, the Hand print is intelligence.

The Airavat foot prints are the feet.

Surbhi cow’s Charan print are Mahatma Govardhan’s wings.

In the Apsara Kund is the bhao of it’s tail Nawal Kund is the strength, Rudr Kund is the anger, Indr Sarovar is desire.

Kuber tirth is the Udhyog sthal-work place.

Brahm tirth is joy or cheerfulness.

In the Yam tirth is said to be Shri Govardhan’s ego.

King of all mountains, Govardhan parvat manifested from Shree Hari’s Chest, and with Pulastai muni’s power came to Varj Mandal. Darshan of this sacred parvat will prevent rebirth on this lok.

Jai Ho ShreeNathji Bhagwan

Jai Shree GovardhanNath


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